
Between financial hardships which have caused me to lose my internet connection, and my upcoming phlebotomy program, I simply cannot devote two hours a day any longer to collect your dragonflies. Jenny (whom I have much respect) has been a big help and has done a fine job, but it has been a pretty ambitious project to attempt and maintain, even for two people.

I have found it satisfying and will miss collecting all of your dragonflies in many ways. I have watched poets stretch and grow, and seen new poets appear, and sadly, old ones disappear. I have learned much myself, as a poet, reading all of you who have taken the time to put yourself out there to be read. There are so many excellent poets who deserve attention, and are still out there writing. Please take the time to read them, and you will be given a gift you cannot find anywhere else.

To all those who have ended up in these archives, the over 5000 people who have visited this blog, and those who have given me such encouragement and support – Namasté.

“All that is best and highest in me honors all that is best and highest in you.”

@WhyDragonsDream (Roary)